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The AI Revolution and DeekSeek

In this report, we will provide a brief background on the advancements of AI, the role of DeepSeek as a potential disruptor, and what this means for the markets and select industries.

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Mutual Funds vs ETF's

Recently we have received some questions about the difference between mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETF’s). While they are both similar in many ways there are some subtle differences between the two we’d like to highlight for our clients.

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Federal Debt

A quick check on the website www.usdebtclock.org will give the current running total of the federal debt. As of this writing, that number is over 36 trillion and rising. Since we get questions from time to time regarding this topic, we wanted to cover the history of the federal debt, just who holds the debt and how we got to where we are today along with the potential impacts on your investments

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Trump 2.0 Implications and Outlook

Last month, Trump won the US Presidential election winning all swing states giving him a solid majority in the electoral college while also winning the popular vote. Additionally, the Republicans retook the Senate with 53 seats and kept a narrow majority in the House. With the Republicans having control of both the White House and the Congress, investors want to know what this means for the economy and the financial markets

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Year End Reminder

If you are like us here at the financial control center, we are considering what we might need to do to financially button up the year in style. Here are six key financial items that may need your attention before the year is up.

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Inflation and Your Investments

Inflation has been a topic that seems to be on everyone’s minds. We wanted to take some time to give our clients an overview on what causes inflation and just what the Fed’s role is in combatting inflation.

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